Sunday, September 16, 2007

Turn, Turn, Turn

I cannot believe Izzy will be 8 months on Wednesday. Holy crap! I can see the "child" in her, if that makes any sense. She's starting to go from looking like a baby to looking like a real person. I always wonder, what will your favourite colour be? What will you like to eat for breakfast? Will you be a morning person? What games will you enjoy playing? She already has a sense of humour, hamming it up with funny faces. She's a card. She's standing now, but not on her own yet. She can hold onto the coffee table but her tummy is wobbley and she moves back and forth a bit, trying to keep her balance. I love that she tries. Even if she falls, she'll get right back up and try again. She makes me so proud. I've noticed now that I've returned to school, she gets clingy either the day after my night class or for the rest of the afternoon on Saturdays. It's understandable. It's good to know that she at least likes me. It kills me though, everytime I leave for school, she cries. But she stops five minutes later (which is good because it tells me that she's securely attached and that's what you want) and I have to keep reminding myself. I tell you next Mat leave, I'm not doing a gosh darn thing. I'm just going to go to the park and play all day long. No school, no work, no nothing. Just fun!

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