Sunday, September 16, 2007

Mama was a Cornflake Girl

How super excited am I that Tori is on tour and will be in Vancouver in December? How super sad am I that I can't afford to go? At least I've seen her in concert, luckily twice. I think I can let this one go....I think....
It'll just have to be Tori day in my house and I'll have to put on a rotation of her cds. And B sides. It'll be a looooong day for Jordy.

Class on Saturday was good. It was a 5km hike (what's that 3 miles?) around Burnaby Lake Park (burnaby has a lake? What?!) and I really enjoyed myself. Along the walk I tried to walk beside different people from my class to get to know them. I must admit everyone seems really nice. There's even one lady who's a bit of a know-it-all and can get on my nerves, but at least she's nice and tries to make conversation with you. I would have to say that the average age in my class is late 30's early 40's. So I'm not too sure if I'm going to be making any super close friends, but you never know, I will not judge.

We also had met up with the Burnaby module (the one I was suppose to be in) and there are 43 people in that class. There are 17 in mine. Such a difference. In the Burnaby module is a girl I worked with at a different elementary school 2 years ago, a girl I graduated from CYC with 3 years ago and another lady who looks like someone I should know. I hate that when someone looks so familiar to you but you don't know why. The really eeries part? Halfway through our walk she came up to me and said that I look really familiar also. SPOOKY! We tried to figure it out but NOTHING. I said maybe it's from a past life and she agrees. Funny that.

But after walking and talking with my peeps, I started to hear some of their fears and concerns and found out that I am not alone, which makes me feel so normal (a feeling I rarely have.)I never really realized how being rejected really affected me, I think I'm scarred. I'm afraid that maybe all those people are right and I won't be a good teacher or someone will stand up in class, point their finger at me and tell me I'm a fraud. But I have to beyond everything BELIEVE in myself, in what my teaching goals are. Maybe I scare them; I'm that good. I'll put other teachers to shame. I just keep repeating in my head the lyrics from 'Swan dive', "You can call me crazy if I fail/ all that chance that I need/ is one in a million you can call me brilliant if I succeed/ Gravity means nothing to me/ moving at the speed of sound/ Just going to get my feet wet/ until I drown."

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